barebone meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "barebone" in a sentence   "barebone" meaning
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  1. It distributes asus motherboards , notebook computers , computer barebone system , graphic accelerator cards , cd - rom , dvd - rom and adsl modem
    全线手提电脑套装电脑组合显示卡cd - rom dvd - rom及adsl数据机等等。

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  1. bareboat charter party in Chinese
  2. bareboat charter registration in Chinese
  3. bareboat charter with hire purchase in Chinese
  4. bareboat chartered ship in Chinese
  5. bareboat charterer in Chinese
  6. barebone computer in Chinese
  7. barebone system in Chinese
  8. barebones in Chinese
  9. bareca in Chinese
  10. bareck in Chinese
PC Version简体繁體Definition