anisotropy meaning in Chinese

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  1. In the case of general anisotropy it is coupled with the ordinary plane strain problem .
  2. The anisotropy associated with the earth's rotation results in a slight deflexion of the ray paths .
  3. In dealing with crystals we must generalize these latter equations so as to take account of anisotropy .
  4. Brinson and his associates have also shown that material anisotropy exerts an effect on plastic-zone shapes .
  5. The anisotropy of the thermal conductivity is essentially independent of the temperature not up to 200-300 c .

Related Words


  1. anisotropisation in Chinese
  2. anisotropism in Chinese
  3. anisotropization in Chinese
  4. anisotropous in Chinese
  5. anisotropous disk in Chinese
  6. anisotropy co tant in Chinese
  7. anisotropy coefficient in Chinese
  8. anisotropy constant in Chinese
  9. anisotropy dipmeter in Chinese
  10. anisotropy effect in Chinese
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