advocate the policy of meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "advocate the policy of" in a sentence
  • advocate:    n. 1.拥护者,鼓吹者,提倡者。 2.律师。 短语和例 ...
  • policy:    n. 1.保险单。 2.〔美国〕(由抽签决定的)彩票。 ...
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  1. In order to pursuing non - punishment , the legalist school advocated the policy of executing cruel torture to decrease crime rate , but the confucianist advocated the policy of returning punishment for kindness

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  1. advocate or paraclete in Chinese
  2. advocate quality-oriented education in Chinese
  3. advocate science in Chinese
  4. advocate still sitting exercises in Chinese
  5. advocate the in Chinese
  6. advocate war in Chinese
  7. advocate-general in Chinese
  8. advocate-general bill in Chinese
  9. advocate-news in Chinese
  10. advocated in Chinese
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