the federal reserve considers this within acceptable limits 联邦储备认为这是在允许范围内的。
the federal reserve considers this within acceptable limits 联邦储蓄局认为这个比率处在可接受范围内。
the federal reserve considers this within acceptable limits 美联邦署认为该通货膨胀率尚在可接受范围内。
her name is becoming synonymous with the debate about the acceptable limits of medical intervention in the care of disabled people 她的名字也变成医疗介入照护残障人士可接受限度之辩的同义词。
in this case, knowledge of the uncertainty shows whether the result is well within the acceptable limits or only just makes it 这种情况下,不确定度就能显示出结果是否正好落在可接受范围内或者仅为临界值。