a antibody meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "a antibody" in a sentence
  • antibody:    n. 【医学】抗体。
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  1. Hepatitis a antibody ( anti ha ) - main laboratory test used to detect hepatitis a . detects antibody produced by patient ' s immune system in response to hepatitis a virus
    肝静脉? ?肝脏主要的流出静脉,连接肝脏和腔静脉,然后到心脏。位置在肝脏上方。
  2. The bispecific antibody tilers of ascites fluid and culture supernatant of 3 - hn are 1 : 16000 and 1 : 64 . at the same time the anti - p24 antibody and the anti - human rbc type a antibody in the ascites fluid of hybrid - hybridoma 3 - hn are tested , and their titer is 1 : 800 and 1 : 16000 respectively
    为89士9条j十; ;的腹水型和上清型双特异性抗体的效价分别为1 : 16000和1 : 64 ,同时测定腹水型抗体抗p24抗体活性及抗人a型红细胞凝集抗体活性,效价分别为1 : 800和1 : 16000 。
  3. Proteins of expression in multi - copy recombinant were able to react with monkey - anti - pzp3 a antibody and rabbit - anti - hcg antibody specifically . cone i us i on : recombinant pzp3 a hcg p - ctp109 - 145 was constructed and expressed in the yeast pichia pastoris successfully . it provides a foundation for further contraception vaccine research
    结论:重组质粒ppic9k - pzp3 - hcg - ctp构建成功,并在巴氏毕赤酵母中获得重组抗原pzp3 - hcg - ctp的表达,为探讨重组多特异性避孕疫苗抗生育效能的研究建立基础。
  4. 2 - e4 - a and 82 - 6 are hybridized during their log growing time , and the hybrid - hybridomas are cloned for 3 times and produce 6 hybrid - hybridoma cells . the chromatosome of hybrid - hybridoma 3 - hu and hybridoma 2 - e4 - a and s2 - b are counted , and the antibody of ascites fluid or culture supernatant of 3 - hn is prepared . the positive clones are detected by three methods at the same time : rbc agglutination for monospecific anti - human rbc type a antibody , indirect elisa for anti - p24 antibody , and rbc solid - phase adherence for bispecific antibody
    选其中一株3 - h _ ( 11 )做杂交-杂交瘤细胞染色体计数,同时计数两母株2 - e _ 4 - a和s _ 2 - b的染色体数:制备腹水型和上清型抗体,用三种方法同时检测其中的双特异性抗体、单特异性抗人红细胞抗体和抗p24抗体,即红细胞固相吸附法测双特异中文摘要性抗体,红细胞凝集试验测单特异性抗人a型红细胞抗体,间接elisa法测抗p24抗体;用腹水型抗体做耐热性及耐冻融实验。

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