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jin shan in Chinese

How to pronounce "jin shan""jin shan" in a sentence

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  • 金山
  • 靳珊


  • Jin shan park jiao shan park bei gu shan park
  • No . 7 jin shan mouth , beidaihe
  • Jin shan hotel : chongqing hotels - china hotel chongqing hotel reservation
  • Jin shan hotel lily hotel
  • Deputy governor jin shan - zhong speech on shanxi provincial coal work meeting abbreviated
  • Both of jin shan ' s works give one the sensation of balancing on a circus rope , one end connected to the top of a spire while the other end is receding into an unknown point of infinity
  • Minimum 2 ~ 3 years of maintenance experiences in petro - chemical industry or chemical industry . familiar with dcs maintenance . home near caojing / jin shan will be added advantage
  • Jin shan hotel is a new foreign hotel invested by the green island group of chongqing . it is located in the central commerce and trade of yuzong district of chongqing , which is the ideal place for business , tourism and conference
    重庆金山大酒店是重庆兴绿洲集团投资建设的一家全新的涉外酒店,位于重庆市商贸中心渝中区,距机场29公里码头2 . 5公里火车站2公里,是商务旅游会议的理想下榻之处。

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What is the meaning of jin shan in Chinese and how to say jin shan in Chinese? jin shan Chinese meaning, jin shan的中文jin shan的中文jin shan的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.