jin shan in Chinese
- 金山
- 靳珊
- "jin" in Chinese : n. 〔汉语〕(市)斤(=0.5公斤)。
- "shan" in Chinese : n. 1.(pl. Shan(s)) (居住在东南亚的) ...
- "shan jin" in Chinese : 金山
- "jin shan hotel" in Chinese : 新金山大酒店
- "jin-shan li" in Chinese : 李金山
- "jin-shan zhang" in Chinese : 张金山
- "xin jin shan hotel" in Chinese : 广州新金山酒店
- "jin shan i type aerator" in Chinese : 型曝气头
- "a shan" in Chinese : 鸦山
- "shan" in Chinese : n. 1.(pl. Shan(s)) (居住在东南亚的)掸人。 2.掸语。
- "jin" in Chinese : n. =jinni. n. 〔汉语〕(市)斤(=0.5公斤)。
- "jin jin" in Chinese : 金近; 靳晋
- "he shan shan" in Chinese : 赫闪闪
- "hu shan shan" in Chinese : 忽闪闪
- "huo shan shan" in Chinese : 火闪闪
- Jin shan park jiao shan park bei gu shan park
焦山北固山 - No . 7 jin shan mouth , beidaihe
北戴河市金山嘴路7号 - Jin shan hotel : chongqing hotels - china hotel chongqing hotel reservation
金山大酒店:重庆饭店-中国饭店重庆饭店订房网 - Jin shan hotel lily hotel
杭州宏都宾馆 - Deputy governor jin shan - zhong speech on shanxi provincial coal work meeting abbreviated
靳善忠副省长在全省煤炭工业工作会议上的讲话节选 - Both of jin shan ' s works give one the sensation of balancing on a circus rope , one end connected to the top of a spire while the other end is receding into an unknown point of infinity
金闪这次的作品,仿佛让我们步于马戏团的绳索之上,绳索此端系着某一塔尖,彼端却系之于无限。 - Minimum 2 ~ 3 years of maintenance experiences in petro - chemical industry or chemical industry . familiar with dcs maintenance . home near caojing / jin shan will be added advantage
具有化工仪表维修工、高压电工、低压电工等中级以上岗位技能证书,熟悉dcs系统,具备独立排除故障能力,适合翻班工作。有化工厂两年以上工作经历。家住漕泾或金山附近者优先。 - Jin shan hotel is a new foreign hotel invested by the green island group of chongqing . it is located in the central commerce and trade of yuzong district of chongqing , which is the ideal place for business , tourism and conference
重庆金山大酒店是重庆兴绿洲集团投资建设的一家全新的涉外酒店,位于重庆市商贸中心渝中区,距机场29公里码头2 . 5公里火车站2公里,是商务旅游会议的理想下榻之处。
Other Languages
- "jin shan" meaning in Russian: Цзинь Шань
"jin shuofu" in Chinese, "ban jin" in Chinese, "jin guohua" in Chinese, "jin kemu" in Chinese, "jin xian" in Chinese, "jin baoxing" in Chinese, "jin tieying" in Chinese, "jin shanbao" in Chinese, "jin zhongchao" in Chinese, "jin saibo" in Chinese, "jin se de da yan" in Chinese, "jin se de hai luo" in Chinese, "jin sha" in Chinese, "jin sha hotel" in Chinese, "jin shan hotel" in Chinese, "jin shan i type aerator" in Chinese, "jin shang" in Chinese, "jin shangyi" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of jin shan in Chinese and how to say jin shan in Chinese? jin shan Chinese meaning, jin shan的中文,jin shan的中文,jin shan的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.