absorptiometer in Japanese
- {名} : 吸光光度計{きゅうこう こうど けい}
- "absorptiometric analysis" in Japanese : 吸光光度分析{きゅうこう こうど ぶんせき}
- "absorptance" in Japanese : {名} : 吸収率{きゅうしゅう りつ}
- "absorptiometric method" in Japanese : 吸光光度法{きゅうこう こうど ほう}
- "absorbingly" in Japanese : {副} : 吸収するように、夢中にさせて
- "absorptiometry" in Japanese : {名} : 吸光光度分析法{きゅうこう こうど ぶんせきほう}
- "absorbing well" in Japanese : 吸い込み井戸{すいこみ いど}
- "absorption" in Japanese : absorption n. 吸収(作用); 併合; 夢中, 没頭.【動詞+】 ...
- "absorbing tube" in Japanese : absorbing tube吸収管[化学]
- "absorption (aggregate)" in Japanese : absorption (aggregate)吸水率(骨材の)[土建]〈99A ...
- "absorbing tower" in Japanese : 吸収塔{きゅうしゅう とう}
Other Languages
- "absorptiometer" meaning: /-sörp-shi-omˈi-tər/ noun An apparatus for de...
- "absorptiometer" meaning in Chinese: (液体)吸光器
- "absorptiometer" meaning in Russian: 1) _хим. абсорбциометр
- "absorptiometer" meaning in French: n. absorptiomètre
What is the meaning of absorptiometer in Japanese and how to say absorptiometer in Japanese? absorptiometer Japanese meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.