hielmite in Chinese
- 钙铌钽矿
- "hielscher" in Chinese : 希尔舍
- "hielm" in Chinese : 耶尔姆
- "hielte" in Chinese : 耶尔特
- "hiele" in Chinese : 耶勒
- "hiemal" in Chinese : adj. 冬季的;似冬天的,寒冷的。
- "hield" in Chinese : 希尔德
- "hiemal aspect" in Chinese : 冬季相
- "hielbowicz" in Chinese : 希耶乌博维奇
- "hiemal climate" in Chinese : 寒冷气候
- "hielamon" in Chinese : 木制盾; 一种细长形木盾
Other Languages
- "hielmite" meaning in Russian: 1) гьельмит 2) хельмит 3) хиельмит
What is the meaning of hielmite in Chinese and how to say hielmite in Chinese? hielmite Chinese meaning, hielmite的中文,hielmite的中文,hielmite的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.