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shielding in Chinese

"shielding" in a sentence"shielding" in a sentence"shielding" meaning

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  • shielding


  • Shielding the Poor: Social Protection in the Developing World.
  • David Rennie, «Vatican accused of shielding 'war criminal'», 20 septembre 2005, Telegraphe.co.uk.
  • Le 4 août 1997 Refus d'enquêter, aucun fondement valable PR-97-016 S.C.S. Shielding Inc.
  • « Stuctural Shielding Design and Evaluation For Medical Use of X-Rays and Gamma Rays of Energies up to 10 MeV.
  • Where necessary, shielding shall be provided to prevent grease or other flammable materials coming into equipment or any other significant source of heat.

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