shielding in Chinese
- shielding
- "shield of straw" in Chinese : 十亿追杀令
- "shield" in Chinese : modèle:palette shield; shield; 神盾局
- "shields township (illinois)" in Chinese : 希尔茲镇区 (伊利诺伊州莱克县)
- "shiding" in Chinese : 石碇区
- "shifang" in Chinese : 什邡市
- "shide (moine)" in Chinese : 拾得
- "shift" in Chinese : n.m. [英](码头工人)轮值的一班shift台班
- "shidaisaurus" in Chinese : 时代龙属
- "shift 2: unleashed" in Chinese : 变速2:释放
- Shielding the Poor: Social Protection in the Developing World.
- David Rennie, «Vatican accused of shielding 'war criminal'», 20 septembre 2005,
- Le 4 août 1997 Refus d'enquêter, aucun fondement valable PR-97-016 S.C.S. Shielding Inc.
- « Stuctural Shielding Design and Evaluation For Medical Use of X-Rays and Gamma Rays of Energies up to 10 MeV.
- Where necessary, shielding shall be provided to prevent grease or other flammable materials coming into equipment or any other significant source of heat.
Other Languages
- "shielding" meaning: Noun: shielding sheelding The act of s...
- "shielding" meaning in Chinese: 防护
- "shielding" meaning in Japanese: {名} : 遮へい
- "shielding" meaning in Russian: 1) _тех. ограждение; защита, экранирование
What is the meaning of shielding in Chinese and how to say shielding in Chinese? shielding Chinese meaning, shielding的中文,shielding的中文,shielding的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by