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poly- in Chinese

"poly-" in a sentence"poly-" meaning

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • préf. 表示“多、复、聚"的意思


  • Fabrication de polyoléfines chlorosulphonées Fabrication de polyphénylène-térephtalamide
    生产 Poly-Phenylene-Terephtal-Amide
  • Fabrication de polyoléfines chlorosulphonées Fabrication de polyphénylène-térephtalamide
    生产 Poly-Phenylene-Terephtal-Amide

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What is the meaning of poly- in Chinese and how to say poly- in Chinese? poly- Chinese meaning, poly-的中文poly-的中文poly-的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.