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electrical and computer engineering in Chinese

How to pronounce "electrical and computer engineering""electrical and computer engineering" in a sentence

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 电气和计算机工程
  • 电子和计算机工程
  • 电子及计算机工程
  • 电子与计算机工程学
  • 三所大学都开设电子与计算机工程


  • Electrical and computer engineering
  • He graduated from wayne state university in detroit with a b . s . degree in electrical and computer engineering
  • Department of electrical and computer engineering , university of minnesota , 200 union st . s . e . minneapolis , mn 55455 , u . s . a
  • Issam w . damaj electrical and computer engineering department , dhofar university , p . o . box 2509 , salalah 211 , oman
  • Ehsan atoofian and zainalabedin navabi department of electrical and computer engineering , university of tehran , 14399 tehran , iran
  • He joined the faculty of the university of houston as professor of electrical and computer engineering and the associate director for research of the nasa space vacuum epitaxy center svec in 1994
  • Problems still remain , including the natural bumps and irregularities that come from using an organic base , said dr . dennis prather , an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering
  • Problems still remain , including the natural bumps and irregularities that come from using an organic base , said dr . dennis prather , an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering
  • He was an engineer with nortel networks , and then a professor in the royal military college of canada , and was head of the department of electrical and computer engineering from 1994 - 2000
    陈教授曾于nortelnetworks任职工程师,其后任教于royalmilitarycollegeofcanada ,在一九九四至二零零零年期间出任该校电机及计算机工程学系系主任。
  • " we have built an artificial mirage that can hide something from would - be observers in any direction , " said cloak designer david schurig , a research associate in duke university ' s electrical and computer engineering department
    美国和英国科学家最近合作研发出一种“隐形斗篷” ,可以避开微波探测,成功将一个铜质圆柱体“隐藏”起来。
  • More examples:  1  2
What is the meaning of electrical and computer engineering in Chinese and how to say electrical and computer engineering in Chinese? electrical and computer engineering Chinese meaning, electrical and computer engineering的中文electrical and computer engineering的中文electrical and computer engineering的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.