using up meaning
- Noun: using up
- The act of consuming something
- consumption, expenditure
Type of: depletion
- The act of consuming something
- She used up the chicken bones to make soup.
- This calendar was in use up to 1582.
- Our remaining stocks were used up.
- Our stock of matches is used up.
- Our stock of matches is used up.
- I have used up all the glue.
- The men on the sacking platform had used up all the sacks.
- Its tanks had travelled far and were largely used up.
- I wish singing on the stoop didn't use up so much of a man's wind!
- We have used up most of the cloth, and all we have left is a few bits and pieces.
Other Languages
- "using up" meaning in Chinese: na. 用完;〈口〉使筋疲力尽
- "using up" meaning in Japanese: {名} :
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