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unweathered meaning

Synonyms of "unweathered""unweathered" in a sentence

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  • Adjective: unweathered
    1. Not worn by exposure to the weather
      "chemical weathering was beginning to attack the unweathered bedrock"

    See also: new


  • The subscript o and w identify the unweathered and weathered states.
  • The subscript o and w identify the unweathered and weathered states
  • His face is unweathered, his laugh soft and endearingly goofy.
  • Besides having been extensively fractured by frost action, it is unweathered.
  • It amounts to tens of kilo-Newtons in the case of unweathered quartzite.
  • The spillway is located about away from the dam wall in mostly unweathered Ordovician andesite.
  • To see unweathered crystals, we would have to resort to breaking the boulders with a sledgehammer.
  • Fire derived forms of carbon are present in most soils as unweathered charcoal and weathered black carbon.
  • Unweathered sections of the Gogo Formation are made of siltstone, shale and calcarenite with numerous limestone concretions.
  • They are clad in panels of unweathered zinc that reflect the changing light of hour, weather and season.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4

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What is the meaning of unweathered and how to define unweathered in English? unweathered meaning, what does unweathered mean in a sentence? unweathered meaningunweathered definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.