underlet meaning
- Verb: underlet (underlet,underletting) `úndu'let
- To let or lease at second hand; to sublet
- To let below the value
Derived forms: underlet, underlets, underletting
AmE / verb [+ obj or no obj] (underletting, underlet, underlet) (also underlease)(Property )
to rent to sb else all or part of a property that you rent from the owner
to rent all or part of a property from sb that rents it from the owner
underlet /; AmE / noun [C] = UNDERLEASE
- Construction of underlet houses and the state's macro economy
Other Languages
- "underlet" meaning in Chinese: vt. (underlet; underletting) 廉价租出;转租;转借。
- "underlet" meaning in Japanese: {他動-1} : (適正価格{てきせい かかく}より)安価{あんか}で貸す---------------------...
- "underlet" meaning in Russian: 1) сдавать в аренду по заниженной цене2) сдавать в аренду ...
- "underlet" meaning in French: v. sous-louer
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