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trypanosome meaning

"trypanosome" in a sentence

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  • Noun: trypanosome
    1. (zoology) protozoan parasites which are transmitted by biting insects and infect the blood of humans and other vertebrates

    Derived forms: trypanosomes

    Encyclopedia: Trypanosome

  • [Medicine]
    n : any flagellate of the genus Trypanosoma


  • The trypanosome, which branched from other eukaryotes 300 million years ago, breaks this universal rule
  • He proed to be infected by trypanosoma eansi, a trypanosome which is usually a parasite of arious animals, particularly cattle
  • "The trypanosome's Achilles'heel,"
  • In addition, species from other Trypanosome " Trypanosoma chabaudi"
  • The flies carry a parasite, the trypanosome, from human to human.
  • trypanosome, " Trypanosoma cruzi ", which causes Chagas Disease.
  • For that reason, it may be a quorum sensing molecule for the trypanosome parasite.
  • In the case of trypanosome infection, tryptophol decreases the immune response of the host.
  • This means a good indicator of disease would be looking at trypanosome density in capillary blood and connective tissue.
  • The trypanosome haptoglobin-hemoglobin receptor is an elongated three a-helical bundle with a small membrane distal head.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4

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What is the meaning of trypanosome and how to define trypanosome in English? trypanosome meaning, what does trypanosome mean in a sentence? trypanosome meaningtrypanosome definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.