transductor meaning
- noun
An arrangement of windings on a laminated core or cores, part of a device for amplifying current
- Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms-terms particular to power engineering-transductor terminology
- The translumination transductor must be in direct contact with the skin.
- Lamm's Ph . D . thesis was titled, in English, " The Transductor, DC Pre-Saturated Reactor ".
Other Languages
- "transductor" meaning in Chinese: 饱和电抗器;磁放大器
- "transductor" meaning in Japanese: transductor 可飽和リアクトル[基礎]; 磁気増幅器[電情]; トランスダクター[基礎]
- "transductor" meaning in Russian: 1) магнитный усилитель, трансдуктор
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What is the meaning of transductor and how to define transductor in English? transductor meaning, what does transductor mean in a sentence? transductor meaning,transductor definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by