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tamburlaine meaning

"tamburlaine" in a sentence

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  • The second part of tamburlaine the great
  • tamburlaine the great first part
  • Tamburlaine Must Die, by Louise Welsh ( Canongate)
  • Once Shakespeare had emancipated himself from the author of " Tamburlaine,"
  • The sequence was changed so that Tamburlaine instead defiles books representing all religious texts.
  • One wonders how Marlowe found time to write " Tamburlaine the Great,"
  • Now a powerful figure, Tamburlaine turns his attention to Bajazeth, Emperor of the Turks.
  • The play ends with the wedding of Tamburlaine and Zenocrate, who is crowned Empress of Persia.
  • This evidence alone leads scholars to believe with virtual unanimity that Marlowe wrote " Tamburlaine ".
  • In this respect, they reflect clearly the influence of Marlowe, particularly of " Tamburlaine ".
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of tamburlaine and how to define tamburlaine in English? tamburlaine meaning, what does tamburlaine mean in a sentence? tamburlaine meaningtamburlaine definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.