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tack room meaning

"tack room" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • noun
      A room in or near a stable where tack is kept

  • [Architecture]

    A room for holding bridles, saddles, and harnesses; usually in a stable.


  • Each of those barns had 20 stalls and five tack rooms.
  • The original stone tack room, barn and corral are still in use.
  • He decorates horse stalls, tack rooms, sitting rooms and stall fronts.
  • Only Owens approaches while Todd hides in the stable tack room with his shotgun.
  • We were sitting in his tack room,
  • If history repeats itself, Quinton expects the tack room burglaries to cease with spring.
  • Ye staggers past on her way to the tack room, a heavy Western saddle in her arms.
  • In the past, she was locked in a tack room by her mentally unstable father for wrongdoing.
  • The pavilion has two enclosed tack rooms in a central location on either side of the pedestrian corridor.
  • The interior features a center aisle with two stalls on one side and a tack room on the other.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of tack room and how to define tack room in English? tack room meaning, what does tack room mean in a sentence? tack room meaningtack room definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.