sustentative meaning
- Adjective: sustentative
- Adapted to sustain, strengthen, or corroborate
"sustentative citations or quotations"
- Adapted to sustain, strengthen, or corroborate
- The digital mine and its sustentative technology
- Accordingly, how to make the economic system and ecosystem harmony and how to make development sustentative is an emergent problem
- Since no sustentative change was made, the article is stable, but I'd prefer someone review my work . "'" Discussion on how to improve the article should move to the GordonWatts 19 : 08, 22 September 2005 ( UTC)
Other Languages
- "sustentative" meaning in Chinese: adj. 支持的;受到支持的;维持的,保存的。 n. 支持物,维持物。
What is the meaning of sustentative and how to define sustentative in English? sustentative meaning, what does sustentative mean in a sentence? sustentative meaning,sustentative definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by