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squeegee meaning

Synonyms of "squeegee""squeegee" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Noun: squeegee  skweejee
    1. T-shaped cleaning implement with a rubber edge across the top; drawn across a surface to remove water (as in washing windows)
    Verb: squeegee  skweejee
    1. Wipe with a squeegee
      "squeegee the windows"

    Derived forms: squeegees, squeegeeing, squeegeed

    Type of: cleaning device, cleaning equipment, cleaning implement, pass over, wipe

    Encyclopedia: Squeegee

  • [Design engineering]
    "A device consisting of a handle with a blade of rubber or leather set transversely at one end and used for spreading, pushing, or wiping liquids off or across a surface."


  • squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower
  • Take time to talk basics . air fills . chronograph . squeegee
  • It is acceptable if the squeegee edge is sharp and linear
  • Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car
  • The abrasion, press and rigidity of squeegee determine the print quality
  • The squeegee is the engine which deflects the stencil and makes it contact with the substrate
  • Suspend scraper can auto-balance squeegee pressure, prolong the life of scraper and steel toil, ensure to print
  • Polyurethane type : we usually use this type squeegee which rubber value should be 70-90 tested by the durometer
  • As no one had a knife, he pulled the rubber from his squeegee and used its metal edges to begin cutting
  • Low pressure will cause missing and rough edge, and high pressure or soft squeegee will cause speckle print even damage the squeegee or stencil
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of squeegee and how to define squeegee in English? squeegee meaning, what does squeegee mean in a sentence? squeegee meaningsqueegee definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.