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snailfish meaning

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  • The snailfish family is poorly studied and few specifics are known.
  • Snailfish are of no interest to commercial fisheries.
  • Snailfish are abundant in most ( especially polar ) waters and are highly resilient.
  • This is one of only four snailfish species recorded from a depth of below 6000 m.
  • The species is known under the common names of gelatinous seasnail and gelatinous snailfish in French.
  • The pectoral fins are large and provide the snailfish with its primary means of locomotion although they are fragile.
  • The record has since been surpassed by another ( unidentified ) type of snailfish filmed at a depth of.
  • The diet of snailfish consists primarily of small benthic crustaceans, mollusks, polychaete worms, and other small invertebrates.
  • Snailfish range in size from " Paraliparis australis " at to " Polypera simushirae " at some in length.
  • ""'Crystallichthys matsushimae " "'is a species of snailfish native to the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4

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What is the meaning of snailfish and how to define snailfish in English? snailfish meaning, what does snailfish mean in a sentence? snailfish meaningsnailfish definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.