scare someone to death meaning
- [American idiom]
to frighten someone severely.
• The dentist always frightens me to death.
• She scared me to death when she screamed.
Other Languages
- "scare someone to death" meaning in Chinese: [网络] 某人受到极大的惊吓
- "scare someone to death" meaning in Japanese: (人)をひどく[死ぬほど?心臓{しんぞう}が止まるほど]怖がらせる[びっくりさせる]Jesus! What the ...
What is the meaning of scare someone to death and how to define scare someone to death in English? scare someone to death meaning, what does scare someone to death mean in a sentence? scare someone to death meaning,scare someone to death definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by