scare so out of sth meaning
- [American slang]
to startle someone; to frighten someone into losing something, such as a year's worth of growth, ten years of life, etc.
You nearly scared me out of my skin!
The bad news scared Roger out of ten years' growth.
"scare so or an animal out" meaning, "scare so or an animal out of sth" meaning, "scare so or an animal to death" meaning, "scare so or sth away" meaning, "scare so or sth up" meaning, "scare so stiff" meaning, "scare someone stiff" meaning, "scare someone to death" meaning, "scare sth out of so" meaning,
What is the meaning of scare so out of sth and how to define scare so out of sth in English? scare so out of sth meaning, what does scare so out of sth mean in a sentence? scare so out of sth meaning,scare so out of sth definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by