saurischian dinosaur meaning
- Noun: saurischian dinosaur
- Herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur having a three-pronged pelvis like that of a crocodile
- saurischian
Derived forms: saurischian dinosaurs
Type of: dinosaur
Part of: order Saurischia, Saurischia
- Herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur having a three-pronged pelvis like that of a crocodile
- The build of the pelvis shows it was a saurischian dinosaur.
- Saurischian dinosaurs are traditionally distinguished from therizinosaurians.
- The American Museum of Natural History features AMNH 5027 in its famed Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs to this day.
- The saurischian dinosaur " Teyuwasu " was named in 1999 on the basis of material originally attributed to " Hoplitosuchus ".
- Entering the new Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs a visitor walks under a suspended flock of modern gulls represented as close relatives of the tyrannosaur looming behind them.
- For weeks after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs at the American Museum of Natural History was eerily silent.
- The store, on the fourth floor between the Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs and the Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs, is cheery, upbeat and geared to children.
- "' Guaibasauridae "'is a family of primitive saurischian dinosaurs, known from fossil remains of late Triassic period formations in Brazil and Argentina.
- The club's collection is housed in what is said to be an impregnable fortress, reached through an inconspicuous steel door behind the Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs.
- In many groups, such as lizards and saurischian dinosaurs, the cervical ribs are large; in birds, they are small and completely fused to the vertebrae.
- More examples: 1 2
Other Languages
- "saurischian dinosaur" meaning in Chinese: [网络] saurischian恐龙
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