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phosphoric meaning

[ fɔs'fɔrik ]   Pronunciation:
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Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Adjective: phosphoric  fós'forik
    1. Containing or characteristic of phosphorus
      "phosphoric acid"
      - phosphorous

    See also: phosphorus

  • [Medicine]
    adj : of, relating to, or containing phosphorus esp. with a valence higher than in phosphorous compounds


  • phosphoric acid produced by the wet process is in the ortho form.
  • The geographical location of the phosphoric acid plants follows a different pattern.
  • The tricalcium phosphate consituent is converted to phosphoric acid and calcium sulfate.
  • Florida has long dominated the wet-process phosphoric acid industry in the united states.
  • For sea coast location, phosphoric acid plants may be permitted to discharge gypsum into the ocean for disposal.
  • The availability and cost of sulfuric acid are highly important factors in the production of wet-process phosphoric acid.
  • a weak phosphoric acid made from florida rock containing 25% f gives a 54%  acid containing 0. 4f.
  • In special cases very considerable quantities of waste gypsum from phosphoric acid plants are used to reclaim land after flooding of the sea.
  • phosphoric acid : for use only to clean equipment
  • phosphoric acid immersed fireclay brick for blast furnace
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of phosphoric and how to define phosphoric in English? phosphoric meaning, what does phosphoric mean in a sentence? phosphoric meaningphosphoric definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.