lyt 2 antigen meaning
- [Medicine]
A group of lymphocyte surface antigens differentially located on subpopulations of mouse lymphocytes. This localization has been useful in distinguishing different functional subpopulations of lymphocytes. For example,cytotoxic T-cells bear primarily Lyt-23 on their surface and not Lyt-1,whereas helper cells bear Lyt-1 and not Lyt-23.
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- "lyt 2 antigen" meaning in Chinese: 《英文msh词典》Lyt 2 Antigen
What is the meaning of lyt 2 antigen and how to define lyt 2 antigen in English? lyt 2 antigen meaning, what does lyt 2 antigen mean in a sentence? lyt 2 antigen meaning,lyt 2 antigen definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by