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living fossil meaning

"living fossil" in a sentence

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  • Noun: living fossil
    1. Any living species which very closely resembles fossil relatives in most anatomical details 
    2. Any species discovered first as a fossil and believed extinct, but which is later found living

    Derived forms: living fossils

    Encyclopedia: Living fossil


  • Academically, they are refered to as " live fossil"
  • living fossil modern organisms with anatomical or physiological features found elsewhere only in extinct species
  • But the truth may never be known, since the " living fossil " died hours after it was caught
  • With its long history, wuzhen has became a living fossil for ancient civilization for its profound history and culture
  • A " living fossil " of the species occur in a long-line forward evolution happened, was no evolutionary branches
  • Those that remain act as living fossils, offering glimpses into how the animal world looked millions of years ago
  • These sponge reefs are considered to be " living fossils ".
  • As I said I study and have described actual living fossils.
  • The most astonishing sequence showed Vampiroteuthis, the living fossil.
  • The ginkgo tree is what scientists call a living fossil.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of living fossil and how to define living fossil in English? living fossil meaning, what does living fossil mean in a sentence? living fossil meaningliving fossil definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.