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liparidae meaning

"liparidae" in a sentence

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  • Liparidae and other currently unacceptable alternatives.
  • He also wrote " A revision of the genera of the family Liparidae " which covered 1130 entries.
  • This species was originally described as a snailfish in the family Liparidae, but has been better considered to be an ophidiid cusk eel.
  • As pointed out, " Liparidae " once was an alternative family name for the Lymantriidae, but nowadays " Liparidae " is firmly established as the name of a family of fish, and according to the conventions of Zoological taxonomy, family names have to be unique, even though they are permitted to coincide with botanical names.
  • As pointed out, " Liparidae " once was an alternative family name for the Lymantriidae, but nowadays " Liparidae " is firmly established as the name of a family of fish, and according to the conventions of Zoological taxonomy, family names have to be unique, even though they are permitted to coincide with botanical names.

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What is the meaning of liparidae and how to define liparidae in English? liparidae meaning, what does liparidae mean in a sentence? liparidae meaningliparidae definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.