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kildeer meaning

"kildeer" in a sentence

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  • Kildeer circulated a petition in opposition and obtained 200 signatures.
  • Further details are not available but obviously Kildeer prevailed.
  • Dun It was bred by Gwen L . Steif of Kildeer, Illinois.
  • On June 9, 1960, the Supreme Court found in favor of Kildeer.
  • Kildeer had lost the 75 % federal funding.
  • In addition to serving Kildeer, it was proposed to extend sewers to Rand Road.
  • This would allow the central portion of Kildeer to have the ability to create sewer districts.
  • The Kildeer area began to draw the attention of those who wanted to live a rural life.
  • Arthur T . Mcintosh proposed the first subdivision in the village of Kildeer, calling it " Farmington ".
  • These signatures were presented to the village board as evidence Kildeer residents did not want the project to proceed.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of kildeer and how to define kildeer in English? kildeer meaning, what does kildeer mean in a sentence? kildeer meaningkildeer definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.