karma meaning
- Noun: karma kaa(r)mu
- (Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that determine their fate in this life and the next incarnation
Derived forms: karmas
Type of: destiny, fate, kismet
Encyclopedia: Karma, Belarus Karma Karma, Iraq Karma, album Karma, Niger
- I intend to retrieve all karma that is my own
- Q : why is it necessary to erase past karma
- Public service is the fastest way to clean karma
- Dalphiaana : i thought karma was over this lifetime
- Fifth, the effects of negative karma will be reduced
- As the karma is cleared the alter will be formed
- Ollie, come on, you're ruining my karma level here
- Pancha nitya karmas means " five constant duties.
- Why is karma erased through the sound meditation
- It depends on the karma of the parents and children
Other Languages
- "karma" meaning in Chinese: n. 〔梵语〕1.【宗教】羯磨〔梵文译音〕,业〔决定来世命运的所作所为〕。2.因果报应,因缘。
- "karma" meaning in Japanese: Karmaカルマ
- "karma" meaning in Korean: 카르마
- "karma" meaning in Russian: 1) _санскр. судьба; карма, совокупность поступков человека...
- "karma" meaning in French: n. karma, destin; le crime et le châtiment (bouddhisme)
What is the meaning of karma and how to define karma in English? karma meaning, what does karma mean in a sentence? karma meaning,karma definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.