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jump ship meaning

"jump ship" in a sentence

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  • (informal)
      (of a sailor) to leave one's ship while still officially employed, in service, etc

  • [American slang]
    1. Lit. to leave one's job on a ship and fail to be aboard it when it sails; [for a sailor] to go AWOL.
      One of the deckhands jumped ship at the last port.
    2. Fig. to leave any post or position; to quit or resign, especially when there is difficulty with the job.
      None of the editors liked the new policies, so they all jumped ship as soon as other jobs opened up.


  • "typee" is an account, told in the first person, of the adventures of a young american who with a companion (toby) jumps ships.
  • Seems like you're the one wanting to jump . jump ship
  • He jump ship to a famous computer company
  • You vacation in my bungalow and now you go jump ship
  • Once you've made it clear that you want to jump ship, your loyalty will be in question
  • Top managers at western companies, on the other hand, had few incentives until recently to jump ship
  • These reasons only explain why managers won't jump ship.
  • _Dean Poritzky is the latest to jump ship at Fidelity.
  • Is there any hope, or should I just jump ship?
  • Should you be ready to jump ship after only four months?
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of jump ship and how to define jump ship in English? jump ship meaning, what does jump ship mean in a sentence? jump ship meaningjump ship definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.