joule cycle meaning
- [Thermodynamics]
See Brayton cycle
- The engine cycle is named after George Brayton ( 1830 1892 ), the American engineer who developed it originally for use in piston engines, although it was originally proposed and patented by Englishman Joule cycle " '.
Other Languages
- "joule cycle" meaning in Chinese: 焦耳循环
- "joule cycle" meaning in Japanese: Joule cycle ジュールサイクル
- "joule cycle" meaning in Russian: цикл ДжоуляJoule cycleцикл Джоуля
What is the meaning of joule cycle and how to define joule cycle in English? joule cycle meaning, what does joule cycle mean in a sentence? joule cycle meaning,joule cycle definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by