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jacques lipchitz meaning

"jacques lipchitz" in a sentence

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  • With the death camps, Jacques Lipchitz had to flee France.
  • Hillsmith began working at Atelier 17, which was an Mir� and Jacques Lipchitz.
  • These included Adam Fischer, Joaqu�n Torres Garc�a, Jacques Lipchitz and Constantin Br�ncui.
  • Jacques Lipchitz died in Capri, Italy.
  • Favre later met the sculptor Jacques Lipchitz, whose friendship significantly impacted his artistic development.
  • The work was designed around Peace On Earth, a controversial sculpture designed by Jacques Lipchitz.
  • Jacques Lipchitz's sculpture, " Tree of Life ", is unveiled at Hadassah Mount Scopus.
  • It depicts Modigliani's friend, the sculptor Jacques Lipchitz, standing alongside his seated wife Berthe.
  • Historical figures in the book include sculptor Jacques Lipchitz, entertainer Josephine Baker, and Polish general J�zef PiBsudski.
  • Duchamp-Villon, Jacques Lipchitz, Henri Laurens and Ossip Zadkine and others joined the earlier cubist sculptors.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of jacques lipchitz and how to define jacques lipchitz in English? jacques lipchitz meaning, what does jacques lipchitz mean in a sentence? jacques lipchitz meaningjacques lipchitz definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.