horizontal stabilizer meaning
- Noun: horizontal stabilizer `hóri'zóntl 'steybu`lIzu(r)
- The horizontal airfoil of an aircraft's tail assembly that is fixed and to which the elevator is hinged
- horizontal stabiliser [Brit], tailplane
Derived forms: horizontal stabilizers
Type of: aerofoil [Brit], airfoil [N. Amer], control surface, surface
Part of: horizontal tail
Encyclopedia: Horizontal stabilizer
- The horizontal airfoil of an aircraft's tail assembly that is fixed and to which the elevator is hinged
- Boeing 737ng horizontal stabilizer md80 serial airplane doors
- One does this by redistributing the aerodynamic load along the wingspan or by incorporating the vortices coming off the horizontal stabilizer
- The horizontal stabilizer is of an all-flying tail design.
- The plane's vertical fin and horizontal stabilizer also are larger.
- There may be something else in the structure of the horizontal stabilizer.
- Tail section has vertical and horizontal stabilizer fins in cross.
- The crash was attributed to ice on the horizontal stabilizer.
- The wings and horizontal stabilizer are traditional balsa / plywood construction
- The vertical fin and horizontal stabilizers were fixed cantilever structures.
- Also, Zefir 3 had substantial horizontal stabilizer flatter issues.
Other Languages
- "horizontal stabilizer" meaning in Chinese: 水平安定面
- "horizontal stabilizer" meaning in Japanese: horizontal stabilizer水平尾翼すいへいびよく
- "horizontal stabilizer" meaning in Russian: аэро стабилизатор горизонтальный
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What is the meaning of horizontal stabilizer and how to define horizontal stabilizer in English? horizontal stabilizer meaning, what does horizontal stabilizer mean in a sentence? horizontal stabilizer meaning,horizontal stabilizer definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.