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honour guard meaning

"honour guard" in a sentence

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  • Kremlin honour guard stood by
  • The Bundeswehr provided an honour guard as a mark of respect.
  • The unit contributed an honour guard to the main surrender ceremony.
  • Honour guard units transfer over provinces and may be used repeatedly.
  • In Weymouth, the navy welcomed the princes with an honour guard.
  • Cariappa's son Nanda Cariappa lit the pyre while the Honour Guard reversed arms.
  • An honour guard is always present.
  • Funeral services were conducted for Hannen at HMS Hermione acted as an honour guard and pallbearers.
  • Duncker was buried next to Ume� church by the Russians that gave him a full honour guard.
  • He sanctioned a proper burial, and provide an honour guard of 100 soldiers for the service.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of honour guard and how to define honour guard in English? honour guard meaning, what does honour guard mean in a sentence? honour guard meaninghonour guard definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.