herd instinct meaning
- noun
The instinct that urges men or animals to act upon contagious impulses or to follow the herd
A mentality characterized by a lack of individuality, causing people to think and act like the general population.
- Morality is the herd instinct in the individual
- "There's definitely a herd instinct ."
- There is a certain herd instinct that plays out among pachyderms,
- But when the herd instinct is unleashed, watch out!
- They don't feel they need to maintain that herd instinct.
- -- Herd Instinct : Something that can no longer be underestimated.
- Without a clear market direction, investors sell based on herd instinct.
- People have to avoid the herd instinct that was very damaging in 1982.
- In true auction style, herd instinct took over.
- From then on the so-called herd instinct among them takes over.
Other Languages
- "herd instinct" meaning in Chinese: 【心理学】群居本能。
- "herd instinct" meaning in Japanese: 群集心理{ぐんしゅう しんり}、群本能{ぐんほんのう}
- "herd instinct" meaning in Russian: стадность синоним: pack-running стадный инстинкт
- "herd instinct" meaning in French: l'instinct grégaire
What is the meaning of herd instinct and how to define herd instinct in English? herd instinct meaning, what does herd instinct mean in a sentence? herd instinct meaning,herd instinct definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.