herd grass meaning
- or herd's grass /hûrd(z) gräs/ (US)
1. Timothy
2. Redtop
ORIGIN: From John Herd, who observed timothy in New Hampshire, 1700
- The station is mentioned in the Annual Report of the American Institute, on the Subject of Agriculture, Volume 6, and in the Annual Report of the American Institute of the City of New York also in 1848, which describes a growth of herd grass by the train.
Other Languages
- "herd grass" meaning in Russian: 1) _бот. полевица белая (Agrostis alba)2) _бот. тимофеевка...
What is the meaning of herd grass and how to define herd grass in English? herd grass meaning, what does herd grass mean in a sentence? herd grass meaning,herd grass definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.