hamman-rich syndrome meaning
- [Medicine]
Chronic inflammation and progressive fibrosis of the pulmonary alveolar walls,with steadily progressive dyspnea,resulting finally in death from oxygen lack or right heart failure.
Other Languages
- "hamman-rich syndrome" meaning in Chinese: 急性间质性肺炎
- "hamman-rich syndrome" meaning in Japanese: Hamman-Rich syndrome ハマン-リッチ症候群[医生]; ハンマン-リッチ症候群[医生]
- "hamman-rich syndrome" meaning in Russian: прогрессирующий диффузный межуточный фиброз легких, синдро...
What is the meaning of hamman-rich syndrome and how to define hamman-rich syndrome in English? hamman-rich syndrome meaning, what does hamman-rich syndrome mean in a sentence? hamman-rich syndrome meaning,hamman-rich syndrome definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.