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general anaesthesia meaning

Synonyms of "general anaesthesia""general anaesthesia" in a sentence

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  • The docotor gave him a general anaesthesia
  • general anaesthesia and cognitive functioning
  • The doctor gave him a general anaesthesia
  • Doc . did'im a general anaesthesia
  • The effect of the nursing intervention to the old patients after the general anaesthesia operation
  • Conclusion : topical anaesthetic and local anaesthesia can be used effectively for haemorrhoidectomy and provide an alternative to general anaesthesia
  • The proposed method would involve placing the patient under general anaesthesia.
  • This can be performed without general anaesthesia and without echocardiographic guidance.
  • Autonomic dysreflexia is abolished temporarily by spinal or general anaesthesia.
  • She undergoes general anaesthesia and stays in the clinic overnight.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5
What is the meaning of general anaesthesia and how to define general anaesthesia in English? general anaesthesia meaning, what does general anaesthesia mean in a sentence? general anaesthesia meaninggeneral anaesthesia definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.