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gallantly meaning

Synonyms of "gallantly""gallantly" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Adverb: gallantly  galuntlee
    1. In a gallant manner
      "he gallantly offered to take her home"
      - chivalrously

    See also: gallant


  • Wavell responded gallantly to the many cumulative calls made upon him.
  • She has caught more than is for her good from the settlers, and especially from the gallantly officers.
  • He gallantly offer to carry her cases to the car
  • Those explorers gallantly adventureed on unknown seas
  • You gallantly carried her offthe court
  • He asked gallantly
  • Mitka tuned up and began again gallantly twanging away at my lady, with shakes and flourishes
  • Most of them are struggling gallantly to get through the day.
  • Jane Henman sat gallantly in the Royal Box counting the raindrops.
  • Jeremy knows better, but he gallantly keeps his chin up.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of gallantly and how to define gallantly in English? gallantly meaning, what does gallantly mean in a sentence? gallantly meaninggallantly definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.