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framing square meaning

"framing square" in a sentence

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  • Use a framing square to extend the mark to the backsplash.
  • Layout involves using a framing square, a simply designed useful tool.
  • Begin by laying out the legs with a framing square.
  • The wood ceiling has framed squares ( cassetoni ) with carved decoration.
  • A pair of framing squares may also be suitable.
  • Check the window with a framing square.
  • On the newer framing squares there are degree conversions for different pitches and fractional equivalents.
  • Use a framing square to adjust the strings where they intersect so the network is perfectly square.
  • Check the corners with a framing square and make sure they are at 90-degree angles.
  • This, however, is easy if you use a framing square with a pair of stair gauges.
  • More examples:  1  2  3

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What is the meaning of framing square and how to define framing square in English? framing square meaning, what does framing square mean in a sentence? framing square meaningframing square definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.