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fossula meaning

"fossula" in a sentence

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  • noun (pl fossˈūlae /-ē/)
      A small depression or groove

  • [Medicine]
    n pl -lae : a small or shallow fossa


  • The individuals are described as " flat disclike solitary corallites ", with exposed fossula which contains the caridnal septum, which is thick and short.
  • Older corals have a large axial area with the cardinal fossula and projecting septa at their edges, making them appear like a " toothed wheel ".
  • In mature specimens, the fossula has almost disappeared and the top axial area is smooth and wide with septa that project slightly starting outside this area, and continuing almost to the basal peduncle, which is small.
  • The oldest specimens are flat, have " short deformed septa " and no fossula, but do have a theca between the basal septa . " G . wardi " and other similar fossil corals may even have been able to move along the sea floor or right themselves if tipped over.

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What is the meaning of fossula and how to define fossula in English? fossula meaning, what does fossula mean in a sentence? fossula meaningfossula definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.