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fons meaning

"fons" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • [Architecture]

    A fountain made by covering and decorating a natural spring with a structure or sculpture, or by employing a jet of water that plays into an artificial basin.


  • Originally populated by Fons, the town now houses some Dendi.
  • Northern Travel Holding was acquired in full by Fons in September 2008.
  • Fons was established by the two main owners of Fengur.
  • Fons Borginon is a member of the national VLD Board.
  • Fons made his own directorial debut in 1966 with"
  • A Roman settlement near the sources was called Fons Timavi.
  • The show was hosted by Liz Porter and Marianne Fons.
  • No one was injured on the ground said Antwerp police spokesman Fons Bastiaenssens.
  • Fons was not among the deities depicted on coinage of the Roman Republic.
  • Fons was owned by Icelandic business tycoon Palmi Haraldsson.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of fons and how to define fons in English? fons meaning, what does fons mean in a sentence? fons meaningfons definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.