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fettler meaning

"fettler" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • noun
      A person who fettles, esp (Aust) a maintenance worker on the railway


  • A large goods shed and fettler's cottage were also constructed.
  • Most of the seats had been removed when fittings for a mobile fettler's camp were installed.
  • A fettler is an old craft from the iron and steel industry that grew in the north east of England.
  • Located below the Fettler's quarters is the entrance to a small drain, with stone walls and rough timber decking.
  • In a garden bed below the Fettler's Quarters, large white stones set into concrete form the words : Spring Bluff.
  • By 1963 the complex also included a signal cabin, single men's quarters ( now removed ), fettler's quarters, and loading bank.
  • It was during Mary's illness that Thomas left the Ministry and worked as a fettler on the railway in Johnstone Shire, to fund Mary's hospice.
  • He worked as a clerk and fettler for Queensland Railways, starting as a 15-year-old apprentice clerk in 1891 and working his way up to be employed at Railway Commissioner s Office in Brisbane.
  • By 1932 it had a station building, closet, goods shed, loading bank, motor shed, camping quarters, two fettler's quarters, enginemen's quarters, coal stage, and cattle yards.
  • After only a brief education he worked in various jobs, mainly in the bush as a roustabout, boundary-rider, railway fettler, fencer, dam-builder, gardener and as a lifelong love-a ballet dancer.
  • More examples:  1  2

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What is the meaning of fettler and how to define fettler in English? fettler meaning, what does fettler mean in a sentence? fettler meaningfettler definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.