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fetterbush meaning

Synonyms of "fetterbush""fetterbush" in a sentence

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  • The fetterbush then sends out branches that emerge near the top of the tree.
  • The mountain fetterbush is less subject to damage from the Azalea lacebug that often infests the Japanese species.
  • The thick, shrub layer is composed of fetterbush, greenbrier vines, inkberry, and loblolly-bay.
  • The climbing fetterbush ( " Pieris phillyreifolia " ) is a woody shrub-vine which climbs without clinging roots, tendrils, or thorns.

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What is the meaning of fetterbush and how to define fetterbush in English? fetterbush meaning, what does fetterbush mean in a sentence? fetterbush meaningfetterbush definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.