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fetch meaning

[ fetʃ ]   Pronunciation:
Synonyms of "fetch""fetch" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Verb: fetch  fech
    1. Go or come after and bring or take back
      "The dog fetched the hat"
      - bring, get, convey 
    2. Be sold for a certain price
      "The old print fetched a high price at the auction"
      - bring in, bring 
    3. Take away or remove
      "The devil will fetch you!"
    Noun: fetch  fech
    1. The action of fetching

    Derived forms: fetched, fetching, fetches

    Type of: action, bring, channel, channelise [Brit], channelize, convey, take, transfer, transmit, transport

    Encyclopedia: Fetch

  • [Electronics]
    An operation in a computer run in which the location of the next instruction is taken from memory and changed if necessary; it then goes to the control register.

  • [Computer]
    A Macintosh program by Jim Matthews for transferring files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Fetch requires a Mac 512KE, System 4.1, and either KSP 1.03 or MacTCP.

    Latest version: 2.1.2.

    Fetch is Copyright 1992, Trustees of Dartmouth College.


  • Why not let giles fetch her by himself?
  • Immediately she sent her maid to fetch me.
  • It'll fetch things when you throw them.
  • She sent a little girl to fetch her bag.
  • Charles has gone to fetch her a drink.
  • This old watch won't fetch you much.
  • "i'll fetch mrs. baxter" said the maid.
  • She had to fetch up her younger sister.
  • The painting would fetch quite a lot if you sold it now.
  • Will you go and fetch me a screwdriver, please?
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of fetch and how to define fetch in English? fetch meaning, what does fetch mean in a sentence? fetch meaningfetch definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.