e-h tuner meaning
- [Electronics]
An impedance-transforming E-H tee with two arms that are terminated in tunable plungers for critical adjustments. See WAVE-GUIDE PLUNGER.
Other Languages
- "e-h tuner" meaning in Chinese: e-h波分支路
- "e-h tuner" meaning in Japanese: E-H tuner E-H同調器[基礎]
- "e-h tuner" meaning in Russian: волноводный шлейфовый трансформатор
What is the meaning of e-h tuner and how to define e-h tuner in English? e-h tuner meaning, what does e-h tuner mean in a sentence? e-h tuner meaning,e-h tuner definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.