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cross modulation meaning

"cross modulation" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • [Electronics]
    1. A type of radio-frequency interference (RFI) between two strong stations that are close in frequency. The desired carrier is modulated by the interfering signal.
    2. The production of signals by rectifier junctions in pipes and wiring near a radio receiver. These objects pick up waves and deliver energy at a different frequency, which finds its way into the receiver. Also called external cross modulation.
    3. The interaction between signals of different frequency when
    they magnetize a core of nonlinear magnetic material. Also see CROSSTALK.


  • Research of zero-cross modulation technology
  • Am cross modulation measurement
  • cross modulation factor
  • Cm cross modulation
  • Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes-method of measuring the cross modulation
  • *"'notch filter to reject the cross modulation products must be used at the output.
  • It was discovered that its signal can under some conditions show cross modulation with other radio stations by ionospheric reflection.
  • Oscillator sync and cross modulation are also available . " Unison Mode " allows all 12 oscillators to be triggered simultaneously by depressing a single key.
  • A cross modulation function ( replacing the previous ring modulation of the Mk I version ) can be applied to percussion synthesizers 1 and 2 in the ER-1 Mk II version.
  • One function that did disappear from the OB-X voice architecture was cross modulation, or frequency modulation of the first VCO with the second VCO . When done with analogue circuits, it's a unique sound made famous by the Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 and its poly-mod section.

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What is the meaning of cross modulation and how to define cross modulation in English? cross modulation meaning, what does cross modulation mean in a sentence? cross modulation meaningcross modulation definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.