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cornish pasty meaning

"cornish pasty" in a sentence

Meaningmobile phoneMobile

  • Noun: Cornish pasty  kornish pastee
    Usage: UK
    1. Meat pie with filling of meat and vegetables

    Derived forms: Cornish pasties

    Type of: pasty

    Encyclopedia: Cornish pasty


  • Cosying up to your little cornish pasty
  • Cosying up to your little cornish pasty
  • Cornwall has its own language, Cornish pasties, and cider.
  • In the city of Cornish pasty, and Cornish wrestling competitions.
  • Ginsters in Callington is a mass manufacturer of Cornish pasties.
  • An authentic Cornish pasty must contain potato, onion, meat and turnip.
  • The PGI status also means that Cornish pasties must be prepared in Cornwall.
  • Theres no point crying over a Cornish Pasty Bret.
  • Unlike most Cornish pasties, the Myers pasty is about two-thirds meat.
  • The world's largest Cornish pasty was made in August 2010, measuring and weighing.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of cornish pasty and how to define cornish pasty in English? cornish pasty meaning, what does cornish pasty mean in a sentence? cornish pasty meaningcornish pasty definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.