complainant meaning
- Noun: complainant kum'pleynunt
- A person who brings an action in a court of law
- plaintiff
Derived forms: complainants
See also: complain
Encyclopedia: Complainant
- A person who brings an action in a court of law
noun [C](Law )
a person who makes a complaint, usually to the police, that somebody has harmed them or committed a crime ⇨ PLAINTIFF
n. A person who alleges that a crime has been committed. A complainant alleging rape, attempted rape, incitement to rape, or being an accessory to rape is allowed by statute to remain anonymous; evidence relating to her previous sexual experience cannot be given (unless the court especially rules otherwise).
- Annual surveys with complainants and witnesses
- Copy of this letter is sent to the complainant
- The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him
- Ii provide the identity of the complainant; and
- This is only fair to the complainants, and to us
- Very well; let the complainants come in
- Iv a copy of the complainant s written complaint
- Have you any questions for the complainant
- Have you any questions for the complainant
- So that they could be sorted by complainant
Other Languages
- "complainant" meaning in Chinese: n. 1.诉苦者,抱怨者。2.控诉者;原告。
- "complainant" meaning in Japanese: complainant告訴人こくそにん申立人もうしたてにん告発者こくはつしゃ申し立て人もうしたてにん
- "complainant" meaning in Russian: 1) _юр. жалобщик; истец
- "complainant" meaning in French: n. plaignant, demandeur (loi)
What is the meaning of complainant and how to define complainant in English? complainant meaning, what does complainant mean in a sentence? complainant meaning,complainant definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by